We are not a student initiative in the traditional sense, but a non-profit organisation. We have high and supra-regional standards, think entrepreneurially and demand above-average commitment. We work in a digital, decentralised and agile way. All members are characterised by their high level of commitment and the shared desire to play a key role in shaping the future of the legal sector.
The activities at our organisation have little to do with everyday student or professional life. At the Student Driven University, you have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge in small teams in your area of interest and to put this knowledge into practice, e.g. in publications, workshops or events. You will also be part of a department that allows you to choose which activities you want to focus on (e.g. Content, Events, Marketing, HR or Finance). For example, you can use your skills in marketing, plan new events and recruit exciting speakers, secure funding or plan cool team retreats where we take recode.law to the next level.
You can always apply before a new semester (March or September). This is when we open the application portal and also publicise it on our social media channels. This is how the application process works:
Some principles of law school will remain in the future: it depends. Our members are all highly committed. For a meaningful contribution that brings you fun and added value, you should therefore contribute an average of a few hours per week. If you want to take on more responsibility, you can do more. But even with us, the world does not (yet) consist only of recode.law: if, for example, you are on vacation or in the middle of an exam or dissertation, it is no problem to focus on this for longer and then come back later.
Einige unserer Mitglieder können Programmieren, einige versuchen sich daran und einige können es nicht. Alles davon ist okay, programmieren muss man nicht können. Wir glauben, dass Programmieren nicht für alle Bereiche zwingend ist. Wir bieten selbst immer wieder Workshops an. Zudem finden sich bei uns auf jeden Fall Gleichgesinnte, mit denen man sich darüber austauschen kann und herausfinden kann, wo und wie du am besten in die Welt des Programmierens eintauchst!
Yes, the recode.law team, which originally consisted mainly of students, has now become increasingly diverse: From undergraduate students to trainee lawyers or dissertation students to young professionals, everything can be found.
NO! Many of our members have a legal background or studied law, but for us, interdisciplinary work is the key to a digital future. We therefore welcome members from all disciplines and degree programs!
Definitely! In addition to the ongoing projects in which you can get involved, it is always welcome if you have an idea of your own, e.g. for an exciting event - usually a team is then quickly formed, which makes implementation possible quickly.
Yes, our members come from all parts of Germany, as the association's work has been digital and decentralized since it was founded. So you are fully integrated regardless of where you live. Of course, we also value personal contact: There are opportunities to get to know the other members at the events, workshops, our team retreat or even over a spontaneous coffee if you're in one of the other cities!
We mainly work in teams. We develop new concepts together, create presentations and exchange ideas. This can look like this, for example: In the Events team we plan exciting events, in the People team we discuss job applications and in the Communications team we brainstorm the next publication.
Take a look at Instagram to find out more about the work of the individual departments.
In addition to the work in the departments, the SDU also plays an important role. Here you work in teams (surprise, surprise!) on your questions about digitalization.
We are an active association and are looking for motivated members who enjoy their work.
This starts with the written application: Ideally, you don't just answer yes/no, but give us a good insight into your motivation! If you don't have an answer or experience for a question, that's no problem - feel free to tell us how you would act in the situation.
During the introductory meeting, it is important for us to get to know you as a person and to see if you are a good fit for the club. Just be yourself - there are no wrong or right answers here.
Don't be shy! If you have any more questions about recode.law and how you can get involved, please contact: hr@recode.law
recode.law e.V.
Geiststraße 24–26
48151 Münster
Vereinsregister: VR 5812
Amtsgericht Münster
Represented by the board: Annika Koch, Jeremias Forssman, Olesja Kaltenecker, Marie Landwehr, Simon Waldmann und Elisabeth Maier.
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